Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Familiarization with math

Introduction to linear relationships online help:

Linear relationship is nothing but the function varies directly with the input. The graph of linear relationship is a straight line. Linear relationships include linear equations and systems of linear equations with some unknowns. All the points lie on a line then such a model is called a linear relationship because it represents a straight line relationship between the points. Through the online help, student can get clear idea about how to solve linear relationships. Now, we are going to see some of the problems on linear relationships online help.

Example :

Solve the linear relationship in the equation: -2(y + 3) = y + 9

Also find more help linear programming example


-2(y + 3) = y + 9

First we need to eliminate the parentheses

-2y - 6 = y + 9

Add 6 to both sides of the equation

-2y - 6 + 6 = y + 9 + 6

-2y = y + 15

Subtract y on both sides of the equation

-2y - y = y + 15 - y

-3y = 15

Divide-3 on both sides of the equation Learn solving math Online

y = -5

y = -5 is the solution to the given equation.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gain free Math Knowledge

Introduction to help with algebra 2:-

In this topic we are going to discuss about the help in algebra 2 concept. It different kinds of problem handle on this article. It is cluster of expression & arithmetic equation also process here. It simpler equation problems also show on this article. These articles help to improve the algebra 2 skills also. Algebra 2 basic chapter problem shown on below.

Help algebra 2 problem :-

Solve the help algebra 2 equation.

-3(x + 2) = x + 12


-3(x + 2) = x + 12

Multiply factors in left term

-3x - 6 = x + 12

Add 6 to both sides

-3x - 6 + 6 = x + 12 + 6

Grouping the above terms

-3x = x + 18

Subtract x to both sides

-3x - x = x + 18 -x

Group like terms simplifying expressions calculator

-3x = 18

Multiply both sides by -1/3

x = -18/3

x = -2 is the solution to the given equation Learn solving math Online

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Step forward to math

Introduction to mixed fraction calculator :

Fractions are most important part of mathematics. Daily people use this fractions in day-today life. Mixed fractions look like a (b /c) form. Decimals calculator displays point values and rounded values. This topic we will discuss about the conversion of mixed fractions to decimals values.

The types of fractions:

Mixed fractions to decimals calculator :

Convert mixed fraction to decimals: 1(1/2)


First we convert mixed fraction to fraction.

[(1 + 2)/2] =3/2

Only few steps here in order to convert 3/2 into a decimal.

  • Now find, that 3/2 is the same as 3 divided by 2.
  • So we'll write the 3 as 3.0 instead (a 3 with 1 zero after the decimal point).
  • Now, we just find the fraction: divide 3.0 by 2.
  • Do you know how to add mixed fractions



3/2 written as a decimal to 3 decimal place is 1.5.

Get math help here

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Math Question and Answer

Introduction to conditional probability examples

When we deal with 2 events, A and B , sometimes these events are so related to each other , that the probability will depend on whether the other event has already occurred.It can be defined as the probability of given event that another event has already occurred.

Let’s consider an example for Conditional probability:

If a player needs to pick 2 cards of the same suit to win, out of 52 cards there can be 13 cards in each suit.Find mathematics form 3. If the player1 Picks a heart, and the player wishes to draw a second heart. If one heart has already been selected, then we only have 12 hearts remaining out of 51 cards.

So Familiarization with math is the conditional probability P = 12/51....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Growing up with Mathematics

Let us learn more on online Probability calculator:

It is used to derive the basic statistic probabilities calculation online. also mainly works out with odds i.e. the probability questions like exactly, at least etc. It solves one event and also multiple event probability problems.

Example: Find the probability to get a tail when we toss a coin Number of sides on coin = 2 (sample space)

It only has one tail on a coin

The probability of showing tail = 1/ 2.

Types : Normal probability calculator

It is used to calculate the normal distribution variables. Usually probability calculator calculates the normal Probability i.e. the number of result of an event out of possible outcomes. ‘P’ = Number of possible results / Sample space find Probability calculator online

Example:A bag consists of 6 black balls, 4 blue balls and 3 grey balls; a ball is picked up at random. Find the probability to select a black ball.

Given that Black balls = 6

Blue balls = 4

Grey balls = 3

Total number of balls = 6 + 4 + 3 = 13

Sample space = 13!/(13 - 1)! = 13

Number of possibilities = 6/(6 - 1)1 = 6

P(B) = 6/13

Therefore probability is 6/13.

Binomial probability calculator

It is used to find cumulative and individual binomial probabilities. A Binomial distribution is the probability distribution. It is associated with the number of Profit in a Binomial Experiment. It can be used for Solving or creating new binomial probability problems learn Math at your fingertips.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Incerdible Online Math

linear programming help

Introduction to linear programming problems:

Linear programming is the process which helps in decision making in business for obtaining the maximum or minimum value of a linear expression, subject to satisfying certain given linear inequalities.

The linear expression is called as an objective function and the linear inequations are known as linear constraints. , linear constraints help in business or industry that one want to make the best use of our limited resource like money, labour, time materials, etc. The limitation on the resource can be expressed in the form of linear inequations, known as linear constraints. This topic will certainly help you to learn about linear programming.

Help with Linear Programming

Objective Function:

A linear function of the involved variables, which one want maximize or minimize, subject to the given linear constraints, is known as an objective function also need help with mean and standard deviation

Optimal value of an objective function:

The maximum or minimum value of an objective function is called as its optimal value.

Feasible solution:

A set of value the variable satisfying all the constraints is called as feasible solution of system of inequation. for more help in Statistics

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Math at your fingertips

Introduction to maths mate 7:

Maths mate 7 include a different topics of unit conversions, addition, subtraction, measurement, number sense, multiplication, functions, adding and subtraction of decimals, fractions & mixed numbers, division, algebra, geometry, median problems, algebra function, probability and statistics number using words decimals. In this article some important math problems shown below and improve math skills also need help to convert molecules to grams

Problems for Conversion- Maths Mate 7:

Convert centigram to gram of ?


Here values given in centigram, require to simplify these centigram to gram,

1 centigram = 0.01 gram

centigram = gram

The result is gram.Great Math Problems Help

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Get math help here

Introduction to Ogive Graph

It is a circlic tapered end of a two dimensional object is also known as Ogive. It is also represented as pointed arch. It can plot the upper class border of a cumulative frequency joined by segments.Any continuous cumulative frequency is a cumulative frequency polygon . A cumulative frequency of a ogive graph have an two intersecting axes with actual upper and lower limits. It can be less or more than the curve.also need help with cumulative frequency table

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gain free Math Knowledge

Let us learn the meaning of independent variable:

In an algebraic equation,A variable whose values are Independent of changes is called independent variable. Are you extreme fuse in the values of other variables. If x is said to be independent variable then y is dependent variable.

For example, take x and y are two variable in the given algebraic equation. Here every value of x is definitely connected with any other value of y, then y value is said to be function of x value is called as an independent variable and y value is called as a “dependent” variable. y values are depending upon the values of x values.

Therefore y = x2

It means y is a dependent variable, Is the square of x value is independent variable also Learn Math Easily.

Independent variable means a variable whose it determine the values of other variables.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Step forward to math

State Statistics in Daily Life

It means different things to many people in our daily life. To a cricket player, it is the information about number of runs, number of wickets, number of over etc. you will find solved statistics answers .To a manager of a power generating station, it may be vital information about the quantity of pollutants being released into the atmosphere.

To a class teacher, statistics are information on the absenteeism, test scores and student performance. To a college student, statistics are the grades and marks made by him on the examinations in his course statistics homework online. And to a doctor, statistics means the effects of a new drug, evidence of the success of prognosis etc.

Every one is using the word statistics correctly, yet each of them has slightly different meaning and purpose.statistics problems solved,The term that can be refer to accurate data or to a field of study is Statistics.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Number learning

Introduction of learning about numbers learning:

Number system was developed by Indians. Number system is universally approved. All numbers are grouped under the real numbers.Any number is a concept. statistics help online ‘One’ is a number name and we denote by using symbol ‘1’ to denote it. ‘Five’ is a number name and we represented it by the symbol ‘5’. The present system is based on ten numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Let us see the learning about numbers learning in this article.

Types of Numbers on Learning about Numbers:

Natural Numbers:

The counting numbers 1, 2, 3 … are known as natural numbers. Natural numbers are starting with 1 and add one by one. The set of natural numbers are denoted by the symbol N. algebra 1 answers online.In the set of natural numbers, 2 are called the successor of 1. 1 is known as the predecessor of 2 and 3 is known as successor of 2 and 2 is known as predecessor of 3. Can you give the last natural number?

Thus N = {1, 2, 3 …}, these are the natural numbers; it has all numbers from the whole numbers without zero.

Whole Numbers:

The natural numbers 0, 1, 2 … are known as whole numbers. The collections of all whole numbers are denoted by the letter W. We observe that W = {0, 1, 2…}. Now the equations such as x + 5 = 5 and x + 9 = 9 have solutions in W. online algebra 1 homework help .We note that all natural numbers are whole numbers. But the whole number contains 0, which is not a natural number.

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* The most familiar ideal of a *-algebra is the set of complex lottery C where * is right knotty conjugation.

* More generally, the conjugation operation in any Cayley-Dickson algebra specified as the multifactorial numbers, quaternions and octonions, if a irrational eye is rotated on the nonassociativity of the latter.

* Added illustration is the matrix algebra of n×n matrices over C with * donated by the united modify. Get more help with algebra 2 problems free

* Its induction, the Hermitian adjoint of a additive opportunist on a Mathematician expanse is also a star-algebra.

* In Hecke algebra, an operation is influential to the Kazhdan-Lusztig amount.

* Any commutative doughnut becomes a *-ring with the inconsiderable involution.

Our next post will be on statistics problem solver

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What is height converter

Introduction of height converter cm to feet:

Conversion of heights is specified in either centimeter, meters , feet and inches. The height can be converted from cm to feet, meter into feet and etc. in conversion the unit should be mentioned such as cm or feet.

Also get information on factoring Calculator

1 centimeter = 0.033 feet

1 feet = 30.48 centimeter, same like

Height converter Cm to feet

2 centimeter = 0.065 616 797 9 feet

3 centimeter = 0.098 425 196 85 feet

Feet to cm

2 feet = 60.96 centimeter

3 feet = 91.44 centimeter

Hope the above post was helpful, more details on Tangent circle

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution or Poisson law of small numbers is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed period of time if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.

On of the Poisson distribution examples are mortality of infants in a city, the number of misprints in a book, the number of bacteria on a plate, and the number of activations of a geiger counter.

The poisson distribution calculator is the best way to tackle the problems under Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution can be derived as a limiting case of the Binomial Distribution.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The mathematical concept of a function expresses the intuitive idea that one quantity (the argument of the function, also known as the input) completely determines another quantity (the value, or the output).

A function assigns a unique value to each input of a specified type.

Functions can be classified according to the properties they have. These properties describe the functions behaviour under certain conditions.

There are different types of functions.

Aggregate functions, datatype conversion functions , date functions, Mathematical functions, security functions, string functions, system functions, text and image functions.

Continuous function simply means that function is continuous without any abrupt or sudden change in the value of function. A function is continuous in its domain D if it is continuous at every point of its domain. Continuous functions are precisely those groups of functions that preserve limits.

For more information on relations and functions click here.

Friday, July 23, 2010


A circle is a simple shape of Euclidean Geometry consisting of those points in a plane which are equidistant from a given point called the center. The common distance of the points of a circle from its center is called its radius.

Listed below are some of the circle properties.

Center: A point inside the circle. All points on the circle are equidistant (same distance) from the center point.

Radius: The radius is the distance from the center to any point on the circle. It is half the diameter.

Diameter: The distance across the circle. The length of any chord passing through the center. It is twice the radius.

Circumference: The circumference of the circle is the distance around the circle.

Area: Strictly speaking a circle is a line, and so has no area. What is usually meant is the area of the region enclosed by the circle.

Chord: A line segment linking any two points on a circle.

Tangent: A line passing a circle and touching it at just one point is known as the tangent circles.

Secant: A line that intersects a circle at two points.

Linear Programming

Linear programming (LP) is a mathematical method for determining a way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model for some list of requirements represented as linear equations. Linear programming can be applied to various fields of study. It is used most extensively in business and economics, but can also be utilized for some engineering problems.

Linear programming is a considerable field of optimization for several reasons. Many practical problems in operations research can be expressed as linear programming problems. The standard form of the linear programming problem is used to develop the procedure for solving a general programming problem.

Linear programming Constraints exist because certain limitations restrict the range of a variable's possible values. A constraint is considered to be binding if changing it also changes the optimal solution. Less severe constraints that do not affect the optimal solution are non-binding.

Important steps used while solving
linear programming problems(LPP):-

Step 1: Interpret the given situations or constraints into inequalities.

Step 2:
Plot the inequalities graphically and identify the feasible region.

Step 3:
Determine the gradient for the line representing the solution (the linear objective function).

Step 4:
Construct parallel lines within the feasible region to find the solution.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A cone is a three dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat, usually circular base to a point called the apex or vertex. it is the solid figure bounded by a plane base and the surface formed by the locus of all straight line segments joining the apex to the perimeter of the base.

The volume of a cone formula is as follows:-

Volume = 1/3Πr2h

Right Cone: A right cone is a cone in which the vertex is aligned directly above the center of the base. The base need not be a circle here.

A pyramid with a circular base. If the point (vertex) is directly above the centre of the circle, it is known as a right circular cone. A right circular cone is generated by rotating an isosceles triangle about its lines of symmetry. The distance from the edge of the base of a cone to the vertex is called the slant height.

Oblique Cone:
When the vertex of a cone is not aligned directly above the center of its base, it is called an oblique cone