Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Incerdible Online Math

linear programming help

Introduction to linear programming problems:

Linear programming is the process which helps in decision making in business for obtaining the maximum or minimum value of a linear expression, subject to satisfying certain given linear inequalities.

The linear expression is called as an objective function and the linear inequations are known as linear constraints. , linear constraints help in business or industry that one want to make the best use of our limited resource like money, labour, time materials, etc. The limitation on the resource can be expressed in the form of linear inequations, known as linear constraints. This topic will certainly help you to learn about linear programming.

Help with Linear Programming

Objective Function:

A linear function of the involved variables, which one want maximize or minimize, subject to the given linear constraints, is known as an objective function also need help with mean and standard deviation

Optimal value of an objective function:

The maximum or minimum value of an objective function is called as its optimal value.

Feasible solution:

A set of value the variable satisfying all the constraints is called as feasible solution of system of inequation. for more help in Statistics

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