Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Step forward to math

Introduction to mixed fraction calculator :

Fractions are most important part of mathematics. Daily people use this fractions in day-today life. Mixed fractions look like a (b /c) form. Decimals calculator displays point values and rounded values. This topic we will discuss about the conversion of mixed fractions to decimals values.

The types of fractions:

Mixed fractions to decimals calculator :

Convert mixed fraction to decimals: 1(1/2)


First we convert mixed fraction to fraction.

[(1 + 2)/2] =3/2

Only few steps here in order to convert 3/2 into a decimal.

  • Now find, that 3/2 is the same as 3 divided by 2.
  • So we'll write the 3 as 3.0 instead (a 3 with 1 zero after the decimal point).
  • Now, we just find the fraction: divide 3.0 by 2.
  • Do you know how to add mixed fractions



3/2 written as a decimal to 3 decimal place is 1.5.

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