Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gain free Math Knowledge

Let us learn the meaning of independent variable:

In an algebraic equation,A variable whose values are Independent of changes is called independent variable. Are you extreme fuse in the values of other variables. If x is said to be independent variable then y is dependent variable.

For example, take x and y are two variable in the given algebraic equation. Here every value of x is definitely connected with any other value of y, then y value is said to be function of x value is called as an independent variable and y value is called as a “dependent” variable. y values are depending upon the values of x values.

Therefore y = x2

It means y is a dependent variable, Is the square of x value is independent variable also Learn Math Easily.

Independent variable means a variable whose it determine the values of other variables.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Step forward to math

State Statistics in Daily Life

It means different things to many people in our daily life. To a cricket player, it is the information about number of runs, number of wickets, number of over etc. you will find solved statistics answers .To a manager of a power generating station, it may be vital information about the quantity of pollutants being released into the atmosphere.

To a class teacher, statistics are information on the absenteeism, test scores and student performance. To a college student, statistics are the grades and marks made by him on the examinations in his course statistics homework online. And to a doctor, statistics means the effects of a new drug, evidence of the success of prognosis etc.

Every one is using the word statistics correctly, yet each of them has slightly different meaning and purpose.statistics problems solved,The term that can be refer to accurate data or to a field of study is Statistics.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Number learning

Introduction of learning about numbers learning:

Number system was developed by Indians. Number system is universally approved. All numbers are grouped under the real numbers.Any number is a concept. statistics help online ‘One’ is a number name and we denote by using symbol ‘1’ to denote it. ‘Five’ is a number name and we represented it by the symbol ‘5’. The present system is based on ten numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Let us see the learning about numbers learning in this article.

Types of Numbers on Learning about Numbers:

Natural Numbers:

The counting numbers 1, 2, 3 … are known as natural numbers. Natural numbers are starting with 1 and add one by one. The set of natural numbers are denoted by the symbol N. algebra 1 answers online.In the set of natural numbers, 2 are called the successor of 1. 1 is known as the predecessor of 2 and 3 is known as successor of 2 and 2 is known as predecessor of 3. Can you give the last natural number?

Thus N = {1, 2, 3 …}, these are the natural numbers; it has all numbers from the whole numbers without zero.

Whole Numbers:

The natural numbers 0, 1, 2 … are known as whole numbers. The collections of all whole numbers are denoted by the letter W. We observe that W = {0, 1, 2…}. Now the equations such as x + 5 = 5 and x + 9 = 9 have solutions in W. online algebra 1 homework help .We note that all natural numbers are whole numbers. But the whole number contains 0, which is not a natural number.

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* The most familiar ideal of a *-algebra is the set of complex lottery C where * is right knotty conjugation.

* More generally, the conjugation operation in any Cayley-Dickson algebra specified as the multifactorial numbers, quaternions and octonions, if a irrational eye is rotated on the nonassociativity of the latter.

* Added illustration is the matrix algebra of n×n matrices over C with * donated by the united modify. Get more help with algebra 2 problems free

* Its induction, the Hermitian adjoint of a additive opportunist on a Mathematician expanse is also a star-algebra.

* In Hecke algebra, an operation is influential to the Kazhdan-Lusztig amount.

* Any commutative doughnut becomes a *-ring with the inconsiderable involution.

Our next post will be on statistics problem solver

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What is height converter

Introduction of height converter cm to feet:

Conversion of heights is specified in either centimeter, meters , feet and inches. The height can be converted from cm to feet, meter into feet and etc. in conversion the unit should be mentioned such as cm or feet.

Also get information on factoring Calculator

1 centimeter = 0.033 feet

1 feet = 30.48 centimeter, same like

Height converter Cm to feet

2 centimeter = 0.065 616 797 9 feet

3 centimeter = 0.098 425 196 85 feet

Feet to cm

2 feet = 60.96 centimeter

3 feet = 91.44 centimeter

Hope the above post was helpful, more details on Tangent circle

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution or Poisson law of small numbers is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed period of time if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.

On of the Poisson distribution examples are mortality of infants in a city, the number of misprints in a book, the number of bacteria on a plate, and the number of activations of a geiger counter.

The poisson distribution calculator is the best way to tackle the problems under Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution can be derived as a limiting case of the Binomial Distribution.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The mathematical concept of a function expresses the intuitive idea that one quantity (the argument of the function, also known as the input) completely determines another quantity (the value, or the output).

A function assigns a unique value to each input of a specified type.

Functions can be classified according to the properties they have. These properties describe the functions behaviour under certain conditions.

There are different types of functions.

Aggregate functions, datatype conversion functions , date functions, Mathematical functions, security functions, string functions, system functions, text and image functions.

Continuous function simply means that function is continuous without any abrupt or sudden change in the value of function. A function is continuous in its domain D if it is continuous at every point of its domain. Continuous functions are precisely those groups of functions that preserve limits.

For more information on relations and functions click here.